Friday, April 28, 2017
VT-2 wins two CNATRA awards
NAVAL AIR STATION WHITING FIELD, Fla. -- Training Squadron TWO’s Squadron Augment Unit (SAU) received recognition recently with the announcement of the annual Chief of Naval Aviation Training (CNATRA) awards. The squadron earned honors as the SAU of the Year and one of the unit’s pilots garnered the Reserve Flight Instructor of the Year. The SAU of the Year award recognizes the outstanding achievements of the top reserve unit engaged in the flight training of NATRACOM students. During calendar year 2016, the SAU contributed 5,364.5 flight hours and completed over 2,800 flight events. Additionally, two members of the SAU served as Officers in Charge for part of the Training Air Wing FIVE detachment to Roswell, NM. One member of the team, Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Toms, was honored as the Reserve Flight Instructor of the Year. The honor is based on all-around performance and effectiveness as an instructor, contributions to safety, leadership, strength of character, personality, and civic involvement. (Source: Whiting Tower, page 2, 04/26/17) Whiting Field, near Milton, is one of the Navy's two primary pilot training bases, providing instruction for Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Air Force student aviators.